La mafia y la extorsión llega a AdSense

Increible este artí­culo sobre la extorsión a usuarios de AdSense donde cuenta que ya hay gente que se dedica a extorsionar, al más puro estilo mafioso, a usuarios de AdSense con ganancias abultadas. Básicamente, les amenazan con que deben pagar una cuota mensual, alrededor de 200 ó 300 dólares, por evitar que les bloqueen la cuenta. Si, porque hay formas de conseguir que bloqueen la cuenta de AdSense de otro.

El email que reciben es el siguiente:

This is a warning and if you don’t pay attention to it you will suffer from bad turns. All your income is through Google Adsense and if you do not cooperate with us we will stop this income source. We would like you to pay us the total amount of USD 5000 each month. This small amount could be considered as nothing compared to your earnings from Adsense. If you do not pay this amount we will have to close your account by the help of special robots and …! I am not happy to do this but I have to as there is no way out of it and I trust if you were me you would also have to do the same. I am an inventor and I have recently innovated a new design which will be accepted by scientific societies only if I can present a model in advance; and making the model takes money. They will register my new design only after they have checked all aspects of the same. My theory is changing the power into energy. If I succeed many big problems will be solved. All my design specification could be viewed in the following web log:

magnetic-machine.blogspot dot com

The magnets will be bought in installments and the amount you pay is to be paid monthly for the same. After the registration of my design, the entire amount which I received from you will be paid back.

If you collaborate with me, you have helped to the science. And if not, I will have to close your Google Adsense account. I seek your help for the sake of the Science and if you are not prepared to collaborate I will have to close your Google Adsense account

Waiting for your reply…..

Ya puestos, yo les pedirí­a la mitad de sus ingresos.